Take the Survey!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent Webster Groves Conversations event, which marked the beginning of our Journey to Destination WG planning process.

For those who were unable to attend or who want to share additional thoughts, you can take the online survey, which covers the same topics as the workshop. Review the presentation and exhibits for more information.

Your input is incredibly important as we work together to shape the future of Webster Groves. The survey will remain open until Monday, May 20th.

Share this information - tell a friend, invite a neighbor, call a family member, and help us spread the word.

Welcome to the Webster Groves Comprehensive Plan Website!

Webster Groves’ current Comprehensive Plan was completed in 1978 and now it’s time to embark on a new Journey to Destination WG - the City’s updated Comprehensive Plan.

The Webster Groves Comprehensive Plan will serve as a guiding document for growth and development, encompassing all facets of our community, from neighborhoods & housing to placemaking & the downtown districts, as well as economic vitality and sustainability. Our end goal is to establish a community-led vision for the future of Webster Groves.

This website serves as a central hub of community resources related to comprehensive planning. Sign up below to receive project updates!

How to Join the Journey

A plan only succeeds when our community is engaged and empowered. Webster Groves’ vision evolves into reality through the contribution of every citizen and stakeholder. Your effort and collaboration are what will bring our plan to fruition as an embodiment of our shared aspirations.

The Journey to Destination WG Comprehensive Plan is more than a document; it will stand as a testament to our commitment to sculpt a future that mirrors our collective vision. Together, we are laying the foundation for a Webster Groves that honors its past while charting a course toward an even more promising future.

Upcoming Engagement Opportunities:

  • We will host a high-level visioning session called “Webster Groves Conversations” to form a foundation of knowledge about the City. The event will feature a presentation, facilitated conversations, and a community open mic aimed at understanding the city’s aspirations. Through this gathering, we aim to grasp the community’s priorities and main concerns, which will play a central role in shaping the overall Comprehensive Plan.

  • We will host our second Community Open House where we will present our initial findings and encourage community participation in the planning process through interactive activities. This event is intended to reintroduce the planning process to the Webster Groves community and provide a casual platform for discussing the city’s planning challenges and opportunities in a “Speak-Out” format. Stay tuned for more information.

Stay up to Date!

If you would like to be the first to know about Webster Groves Comprehensive Plan news or if you would like to provide the Planning Team comments, please fill out the form below.